Chris is responsible for all aspects of the firm’s investment processes and he chairs InfraRed’s Investment Committees.
Before joining InfraRed in 2008, Chris was responsible for HSBC’s global private equity investment activities and sat on the boards and investment committees of HSBC’s private equity businesses in Asia, the Middle East, US and Canada until joining InfraRed. Together with InfraRed’s Chair, Werner von Guionneau, Chris led the buy-out of InfraRed from HSBC in 2011 and subsequently the process that led to InfraRed’s partnership with Sun Life in 2020.
Between 1991 and 2002, Chris held a series of Credit roles culminating in becoming Head of Credit Risk Management for HSBC in London. He also sat on the Board and Investment Committee of HSBC Private Equity Europe (now Montagu Private Equity).
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