
Value-add knowledge hub

Strategy overview, trends and case studies

InfraRed’s first value-add investment was made over 20 years ago. Since then, we have invested across multiple regions, with a particular focus on Europe and North America. The strategy remains central to our offering today.

As we seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns for our investors, we have developed what we believe is a differentiated approach. We specialise in identifying compelling early-stage opportunities in critical mid-market infrastructure, creating and scaling up investments attractive to a large universe of potential buyers at the time of exit.

On this page, we share our insights and analysis, drawing on this experience and expertise.

Value-add principles

Today, value-add strategies play an essential role in investors’ portfolio construction as they address a convergence of requirements. They provide a way for investors to deploy meaningful capital into decarbonisation and digitalisation opportunities and to seek to generate higher returns.

However, value-add strategies are among the most nuanced due to the broad underlying opportunity set and variations in approach between managers. In this paper, our team sets out the fundamentals, covering the building blocks, growth levers, and risk-return profile.

Please click the button to request the paper.

Hear from our team

  • Essence of value-add

    Gianluca Minella, Head of Research, explains what value-add infrastructure is and why investors are attracted to the strategy.

  • Investment process

    Watch Stephane Kofman, Head of Value-add Funds, discuss the investment process and our approach to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns.

  • Approach to value creation

    Pilar Banegas, Partner, Fund Management, discusses the role of value creation and asset management in value-add strategies.

  • Investment case-study

    Watch Sven Stubican, Partner, Investments, talk through a simplified example of a value-add investment.

Sector insights

Our value-add strategy targets three areas: energy transition & circular economy, digital infrastructure, and transport & logistics, each underpinned by major trends such as digitalisation and decarbonisation.

We regularly publish insights across the sectors that we target and on other topical subjects. Our latest insight is:

The Return Dispersion Paradox: Why Value-Add defies expectations

For further value-add related insights, please see the list below.

Case studies

  • power plant

    Statera Energy

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    Read about InfraRed’s role in the foundation and growth of Statera Energy, from a quasi start-up into a market leading company that develops and operates flexible energy infrastructure in the UK.

  • Nexspace

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    Read about Nexspace, a data centre company focusing on regional metropolitan areas across the DACH region, and InfraRed’s early identification of the substantial opportunity presented at the network’s ‘edge’.

  • boat at sea

    Hullo Ferries

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    Read about the establishment of Hullo Ferries (VIFC), which was created to offer a reliable and faster alternative for travellers between downtown Vancouver, Canada, and Nanaimo on Vancouver Island – a key route for tourism, business, and the local community.

  • Merkur

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    Read about InfraRed’s role in developing Merkur, a 396MW Offshore Wind Farm in Germany, overcoming challenges to complete and sell by 2020.

Contact us

Our dedicated Value-add team is available to address any questions on the strategy. We would be delighted to support you.

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