Communications & Digital infrastructure

As virtually all aspects of our lives become increasingly digitised, new business practices are developed, and efficiency is sought, there is a significant need for new and upgraded digital infrastructure.

Digital infrastructure ranks just after energy transition in terms of its opportunity size, with USD 3.4 trillion in annual investment needed until 2030. Emerging digital technologies, such as the cloud and big data, are fuelling demand for infrastructure assets that support data transmission, storage, and processing.

The recent emergence of generative artificial intelligence and augmented reality is also expected to lead to a further rapid acceleration of data volumes, driving an increase in future demand for digital infrastructure capacity, particularly data centres. In turn, this will lead to a meaningful rise in demand for power which will accelerate the convergence of the energy and digital sectors

tower with CCTV cameras seen from below

The scale of the infrastructure required is enormous, however finding value in this sector requires expertise.

Full sector coverage

Our digital infrastructure practice is active across all three central pillars of the sector – fibre, towers, and data centres – for both our value-add and core strategies. Our highly experienced team includes numerous industry specialists bringing valuable insights into the sector and extensive origination reach.

A discerning approach

Many communications and digital assets are protected from the volatility of macroeconomic and market cycles, and benefit from inflation protection, which we believe makes it a resilient asset class. However, to benefit from this, a discerning approach to asset selection is critical. Due to the quantities of infrastructure required to keep up with the demands of modern life, we can be highly selective in our approach.

Driving value creation

In a sector where finding value remains difficult, we are able to leverage our extensive early stage and operating experience to identify assets positioned for resilient growth, or providing long-term cash-flow visibility. Having invested in communications and digital infrastructure from the ground up, we have acquired a deep understanding of the intricacies and disciplines required to scale networks and achieve operational excellence.

At the vanguard of change

In a sector that is growing exponentially, there is also an increasing need for investment in new or related areas. Our position in the market affords early visibility of emerging assets and technologies that will be critical to realising the connectivity of our societies and drive the next wave of digital investment.

Case study

  • electricity tower


    Fortysouth is New Zealand’s first independent mobile tower operator – covering 98% of its population…

    Read more

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* Our communications & digital infrastructure portfolio as at June 2024

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